Hey there Lovelies!
I am beyond excited to announce that I am partnering with Esteem Media, the creator of the ever popular Design Influencers Conference, as a Design Blogger this Fall at High Point Market in North Carolina. You’ve seen and heard me post twice per year about my visits to the Spring and Fall Markets at High Point, where I am always bringing you top design trends and industry news. This time is a bit different, as you will be getting a sneak peek behind the curtains.
If you are new around these parts, and not an Interior Designer or an industry professional of some sort, you may not know what High Point Market is. High Point is a town in North Carolina that can best be described as the furniture capital of the world. Twice per year in April and October, High Point is buzzing with activity for the world’s largest furniture market, where manufactures and vendors showcase their new introductions inside millions of square feet of showroom space. It basically is an entire city of every showroom that you can imagine. Designers, retailers and other industry folks from all over the world visit High Point to stay up to date on furniture trends and bring their clients the greatest in home fashion.

So you can imagine the excitement that I was chosen as one of a group of 10 Design influencers who for about a week will be touring various showrooms and getting the behind-the-scenes, VIP tours, and product demos, and we will be sharing it all with you through various social media channels. So if you are not following me on Instagram and Facebook, now is a great time to follow along so you don’t miss a thing.

Image via Crypton
I am really thrilled about the sponsors on this Falls tour schedule: Bernhardt, Modern History, EJ Victor, Four hands, Norwalk, Crypton, Aidan Gray, just to name a few. Here is the official press release from High Point Market’s website, where you can see the full list of sponsors. You can also check them out at the links below
Aidan Gray, www.aidangrayhome.com
Bernhardt Furniture, www.bernhardt.com
Cisco Brothers, www.ciscobrothers.com
Crypton Home Fabric, www.crypton.com
Dorel Home, www.dhpfurniture.com
E.J. Victor, www.ejvictor.com
Four Hands, www.fourhands.com
Littman Brands, www.hudsonvalleylighting.com
Lloyd Flanders, www.lloydflanders.com
Modern History Inc., www.modernhistoryhome.com
Stickley, www.stickley.com
Surya, www.surya.com
Thibaut Fine Furniture, www.thibautdesign.com
Universal Furniture, www.universalfurniture.com

Image via Four Hands

Image via Four Hands

Image via Bernhardt.com
So who are the other Design Influencers on the Design Bloggers Tour? Happy you asked. Here is the star studded line up.

Cecilia Cannon // Sara Chiarilli // Lori Dennis // Allison Fannin // Shavonda Gardner // Linda Holt // Nora Murphy // Kevin O’Gara // Lee Prince // And Yours Truly, Veronica Solomon
I have a deep admiration for all these Designers, and I am indeed humbled and honored to have been chosen to be among this group of rockstars! I can’t wait to see their versions of some of the amazing new products that we will be seeing.
You can check out each one by clicking the link next to their names
Cecilia Cannon, homewithkeki.com
Sara Chiarilli, artfulconceptions.net
Lori Dennis, loridennis.com
Allison Fannin, twothirtyfivedesigns.com
Shavonda Gardner, sgstyleblog.com
Linda Holt, lindaholtcreative.com
Nora Murphy, noramurphycountryhouse.com
Kevin O’Gara, thouswell.com
Lee Prince, elegantmayhem.com
Veronica Solomon, casavilorainteriors.com

Image via Thibaut
So what can you expect from the Design Bloggers?
You will get a lot of different takes on different trends as we all see things from our own design point of view. But, I am sure you will see some common threads in what we will be posting and definitely some top tips and trends to follow. You can look forward to seeing amazing and unique finds that you have never seen before . Be sure to follow our hashtags #HPMKT and #DesignBloggersTour

Image via Universal Furniture
Fall Market dates are October 13th to October 17th.
I simply cannot wait to get there, to meet everyone and see these fabulous showrooms that I know will not disappoint. And I definitely cannot wait to share everything with y’all.

Image via Cisco Brothers
If you are a designer attending Market, please be sure to say hi if you happen to see me, and let me know where some of the cool parties will be.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you are looking forward to seeing me post during the tour.
Wishing You Beauty and Inspiration!