Making change in your home is good, but the thought of a major renovation or even a small redesign can be overwhelming for a lot of people, and I can fully understand why. There is absolutely a certain amount of upheaval involved in any renovation or redesign project, not to mention interrupting your normal household routines. Having to make choices on products and projects add to the stress.The truth is that change is scary for some people, which is why many homes stay exactly the same year after year, even though the homeowner might want to make changes.

I am a big believer that refreshing your home, even once every couple of years can do wonders for improving your lives. Who doesn’t feel better walking into a well organized, beautiful space where everything is in its proper place, and where comfort reigns. Good design has the power to change lives.
Perhaps you are not in the market for a renovation, or even ready to hire a designer to update your home. There are a few tips I can leave with you for small changes to help breathe some new life into your living space. But before I do, I’m giving you a heads up on a new design service I will be offering to clients in the weeks to come, called “Mail Order Decorator”. It is basically a do-it-yourselfer’s guide to decorating your home with the direction of an interior designer. You provide all the measurements and digital photographs of the room to be decorated, fill out a style questionnaire and we’ll provide you with a design plan for the room including all the elements for a complete design – space plans, elevations, furniture layout, paint color selection, window treatment design, furniture and fabric shopping list and even a break-down of cost. All items will be available to shop for online or locally. it will all be done via email and mail.
If you are ready to just go for it this weekend and bring the spring feeling into your home, here goes!

TIPS you can use:
Paint – Is a relatively quick and inexpensive way to change the look of a room immediately. it’s also a great DIY project. So take a good look at the walls and trim and even the floor and see how painting can add big style
Flooring – This is one of the biggest surfaces in a room and changing it can make all the difference in the world. Pulling up carpet and replacing with a good quality laminate or even a peel and stick tile can add instant style!
Lighting – Lighting is a great addition to lighten and brighten a room. Consider changing out the actual fixtures as well, to more stylish updated ones
Window Treatments – Are they dated and covering up views to the outdoors? Drapery panels are a quick and inexpensive way to turn up the style factor in any space, while still preserving your views. We have an awesome selection available at our online store that you can customize to suit your needs.
Add Trim – adding moldings or replacing base boards is a great way to add personality to a room
Cabinetry – Adding built-in cabinetry is great for added storage and hiding away the things you don’t want out in the room. If you have existing cabinetry that might be dated, priming and painting will make a world of difference
Accessorize – This is another great way to add personality and warmth in a room and make it look finished.
Be Inspired,
Veronica Solomon