We will be welcoming 2019 here at Casa Vilora Interiors with a few subtle but strong changes to our brand identity.
Change is exciting, and over the last 11 years there have seen many iterations of our business. The foundation will always remain the same: to serve our clients with honesty and integrity and treat each one the way we want to be treated ourselves.
It is always a great idea to keep it fresh and exciting for our clients and social media followers
So what changes can you expect to see? Like I said, they are subtle but I believe they will take us boldly into the future.
1- The biggest change is that I am now branding as Veronica Solomon, LLC. Veronica Solomon, LLC aka Veronica Solomon will be the umbrella brand to Casa Vilora Interiors and all the other ventures we will be launching in the coming months. As a interior design influencer, the time has come to become the brand and face of the company I have worked so hard to build.
2- A new cleaner, more streamlined, but still information packed website that will be a great introduction to us and our work, and a great resource, and even destination. It will be under the domain name VeronicaSolomon.com, but CasaViloraInteriors.com will also be pointed to this new site and will still work if you type that into your browser. We will also have a new logo
3- A new blog. This is the hardest one for me, but after 8 years of blogging as The Naked Decorator, I am walking away from that brand identity and even the platform the blog was built on, and our new blog (which you are on now), is called Lux Living Weekly. Some of the content will be moved over from The Naked Decorator, but the new blog will be more intentional at celebrating our new brand identity. I will be keeping the Naked Decorator up for another year or so, and will be able to share posts from there. But starting January 2019, I will not add more content there.
4- We will be introducing a new team come Spring 2019
5- We will launch a new product line in the Spring as well. More on that later
6- I will be doing much more traveling to international markets to bring you the best and most cutting edge in interior design and home fashion. First trip scheduled for Maison & Objet in Paris in January. So excited!
7- We will be archiving our Facebook consumer group and members will be invited to our new Lux Living Lounge Forum. More on that later
8- I will be launching an IGTV channel where I will talk about all things design. We will also continue with our online magazine. The name will change from SavvyChic Home to Lux Domain
9- I am exploring the idea of doing more local events geared at educating consumers about what it means to work with an interior designer. The industry is changing so much and I fear that there is way too much misinformation out there.
10- More community outreach through The Solomon Project.
I am excited about what 2019 holds for us and how we can better serve you. Stay tuned for more on all these changes. We look forward to serving you with even more passion than ever before!