Hello All, and happy Monday!
I can’t believe how fast the weekend went by! It seems the work week just drags along and the weekend goes by much too quickly. Anyway, this weekend, though short and very cold, was filled with some wonderful news! Not just for me, but for the artist I am about to feature: Courtney Morris, who also happens to be my 16 year old daughter.
Well, the big wonderful news is that one of Courtney’s pieces was selected to compete at the state level for the Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) Art Competition 2014. We are so very excited!
Here is the piece that was selected:

“Isolation” by Courtney Morris
“Isolation” is done in mixed media and in Courtney’s own words “it represents all the people who are hiding themselves away from what society expects of them”
About V.A.S.E.
The Texas Art Education Association has sponsored the VASE since 1994. It is the only art event of its kind in the nation. Only academically eligible high school students in grades 9-12 from throughout Texas can participate in VASE
VASE provides students the opportunity to bring artwork created in their art classes to regional and state events for evaluation by certified jurors. Click here to read more about VASE
About The Artist
Courtney Morris is a 16 year old high school student who lives in Katy, Texas. The daughter of Veronica Solomon, an Interior Designer, Courtney definitely has the creative gene. She has been drawing and painting since she was very young, and has spent a lot of time assisting her mother at her design studio.
Courtney draws from some of her own experiences and the inspiration she finds in other artists she admires, and even her friends to create her pieces. Her favorite type of art to create is portraits. She feels that you can learn so much about someone’s life and experiences by the emotions on their faces.
Courtney works in all types of media – Acrylic, oil, charcoal, color pencils, watercolor and has completed and submitted many pieces for local art competitions through her Junior High and High schools.
Courtney is currently in 11th grade and is planning to pursue a career in the Visual arts field. Some of her other interests are: Fashion, makeup and photography.
Courtney is a very active teenager – She works as a babysitter and volunteers at our church and is an avid basketball player. She is also the vice president of her school’s Fashion Club
Here are a few more pieces from her portfolio

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris

By Courtney Morris
I am extremely proud of Courtney and I continue to encourage her creativity.
Here she is:

Courtney Morris
In the near future, she plans to open an Etsy shop and offer reproductions of her original works for sale.
Thanks for taking the time to view my daughter’s work.
Be Inspired!

Veronica Solomon, Casa Vilora Interiors VeronicaSolomon.com