If you are decorating enthusiast or do-it-yourselfer, get excited, ’cause Chic Is About To Get Real!
That’s right! We love working with DIY-ers so much that we are building an entire community around you and your quest to achieve ultimate chic-ness in your home!

We know that you are pretty hands-on; we know that you are savvy; we know that you are stylish; and we know that you are budget conscious. And guess what? It is ok! We love it! This designer supports you, and embrace your savviness….so much so, we are hereby knighting you into the SavvyChic-hood. From this day forth, you will be known as Savvies – because chic-ies didn’t sound as good 🙂
Anywho, We are launching a brand new website and Facebook page in early October – a whole new community, that will be strictly focused on savvy homeowners and apartment dwellers who want great style on a strict budget. It will be jam packed with decorating ideas, resources, education, tips, trends, encouragement and support! Because you are a professional yourself, you understand that even the top-tier DIY-er needs a little professional help sometimes. You want a designer who is passionate about dropping some knowledge on ya, and flexible enough to work with you in non-traditional ways.
Nothing makes us happier that living our mission of helping everyone achieve a beautiful home – that includes you my Savvy! You don’t have to be seriously banking like Kim K. to live in a fabulous home that represents your style and speaks to your lifestyle. Everyone needs a chic home, and gosh darn-it, I won’t rest till that happens.
So what do you do while you wait? Well you can check out the Podcast SavvyChic Home three days per week, to get 5 minute decorating tidbits to help keep you on track and motivated. You can listen here on anchor fm
You also want to sign up to our email list to be notified when the website and Facebook group goes live.
[button link=”https://shoutout.wix.com/so/5Ltoq8GY#/main” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] SIGN UP HERE[/button]

Be sure to follow the Casa Vilora Interiors Facebook page and Instagram for updates.
Please share with your DIY decorating friends – even Chip and Joanna Gaines. Haha. Please use hashtags #ChicIsAboutToGetReal and #ChicGetsReal
Wishing You Beauty and Inspiration!