As I look back on 2018 and all the wonderful design projects we completed, I cannot help but being thankful and so grateful for your trust in us. We never take that for granted. We feel so honored and so blessed that you have chosen us to help make the changes in your life through your home. We hold tight to our philosophy that you deserve a beautiful home that will allow you to live your best life.
As we continue to grow and streamline our processes, it is with the desire to serve you better in the coming year and beyond. We look forward to serving you with even more passion in 2019

And because every opportunity we get to show up in your inbox, we want to leave you with some tips and ideas for improving your home, and improving your lives. Here are 7 things that you can do in your home for a prosperous new year
1 - Indulge The Senses
Your home should make you enjoy being there, and there is no other way than to indulge your sense of sight through an organized and beautiful surrounding; hearing, through elements like music or a water fountain; smell as in scented candles; touch as in the textures and tactile accents and furnishings; and even taste through a chef's kitchen that inspires you to create great meals. These senses help you to prosper in your home and even outside its walls.
2 - Create A Serene Space

Maybe you like taking baths but your bathroom is not conducive to doing so in a relaxing way. It may be time for that renovation you've been thinking about. Let 2019 be the year you create a serene retreat to prosper in.
3 - Bring In Live Plants

I read somewhere that people who buy fresh flowers and bring into their homes on a regular basis, are usually happy and fulfilled. I am not sure if that is backed up by any scientific date, but fresh flowers do make me happy. Plants are also proven to have healing properties, and plants like aloe, succulents, rubber tree, snake plant are known to de-stress and purify the air in your home.
4 - An Organized Office

Many people work from home, and many more dream of quitting the rat race and focusing on a passion that they would love to monetize. More and more people are taking that leap to becoming entrepreneurs, with the goal to prosper. An organized home office can be the catalyst to finally taking that leap. Let 2019 be the year you move toward that dream, starting with organizing your home office
5 -Support A Hobby

Can you guess what one of my hobbies is? Yes, you guessed it! It is collecting books, and reading some of them. Nothing makes me happier actually. I enjoy seeing my vast collection of books sprinkled all throughout my home in every room. And a lot of them are self help books, inspirational books, design books, and books that connect me to my spirituality as a Christian. I can't think of any other way to inspire prosperity than to make room for and celebrate your hobbies.
6 - Quality Time With Family

I have been a single mom of these two for almost 15 years. In the days of struggles to build my business, they were the ones that helped me to get through it. Sometimes directly, where my daughter would remind me why I was doing it. Or indirectly, where I knew I was leaving a legacy for them and that made me work harder to achieve my goals and prosper. That is all the reason you will ever need to create prosperity in your home and your life - when you are doing it for your loved ones.
7 - Become A Forever Learner

If you had told me 11 years ago that I would be prospering as an entrepreneur doing the thing I love - interior design, I would have laughed so hard. That dream seemed so far-fetched. But the one thing that got me through it all, is always learning and growing. There is no better way to prosper than to seek knowledge in every aspect of your life. Knowledge brings wisdom and discernment. We need that more than ever in this day and age

The biggest hope I have for us all for the coming year is that we remember to be thankful in all things. A thankful heart is always open and ready for whatever life has in store. We may suffer some losses in the coming year, but I pray that we will cling to the things we hold dear to get us through them. Just know that prosperity is something that we decide to have. We get that opportunity to create it for ourselves.
Wishing you a year filled with love, gratitude, and all the good things life has to offer.
If you are not currently a member of the Casa Vilora Interiors Community, please join. I want this season of my life to be more than just a way to make a living. I really want it to be about you. I deeply desire to have an impact in this world and how you live your lives. I want to inspire you to be the best you can be through your home. Join the Lux Living Lounge HERE, or become an Elite or VIP Member HERE.
Check out our Best Nine On Instagram! @CasaVilora

Thanks again for your loyalty, support and encouragement throughout 2018! I look forward to serving you in 2019 and beyond!
Happy New Year!