Hello my Lovelies!
How about a pretty room tour to start off your week?

This is a living room that I completed a couple of weeks ago, and I just love the way it turned out.
My clients had their brand new home built early this year and immediately set to work furnishing it and making it home. They called me in for a consultation to complete the decoration of the living room with furniture and accessories. They had worked with a window treatment company for a few windows in their home. This company had picked out a fabric for the living room that my client was ready to purchase and get the draperies done. The problem was that the fabric did not work with the fabrics in the adjoining rooms. I was honest with her about that observation, and she asked me to show her some options for the window treatments along with ideas for the completing the living room. Fortunately, window treatments are a big part of my work.

Somehow I cannot find the BEFORE pictures of the room (maybe I simply forgot to take them 🙂 ), but please imagine with me for a moment…….
The room was completely empty. The built-ins were non-existent, with two gaping holes in their place.
This is the main wall right after the built-ins were installed (before they were painted)

Here they are right after they were painted, and you can already see the difference. You will notice the horizontal stripes in the niches above which I will talk a bit more about later in this post.

My client had previously bought the area rug and two of the chairs with the intention of purchasing a sofa for the room to complete the seating area.
Although she knew what she wanted the room to feel like after the project was completed, she was a bit overwhelmed with all the options available. Fortunately she called me in before making anymore purchases. My client loves a casual look with whimsical touches. She loves bold florals and wanted to use mostly items that they have collected for a while. She did not want to paint the walls, so I had to work with the taupe wall color that already existed.
What I did with the space to bring it from blah to wow!
First, I recommended the built-ins and to do a special paint treatment in the niches on the fireplace wall to help incorporate them into the room. The ceiling was so high that we needed to cozy up the room and bring it into human scale. The 4″ horizontal stripes was a great way to draw the eye up and incorporate the niches into the room. I kept the colors for the stripes consistent with the wall and trim colors in the room.
Next, I picked out the whimsical embroidered floral fabric for the window treatments. The fabric had a pretty busy pattern, so I kept the style of the window treatments very simple by doing just simple pinch pleat panels

Next, I recommended that we bring in two more matching chairs instead of a sofa. Although the ceiling was very high, the footprint of the actual room was not very large. A sofa would create an awkward traffic flow and would block either the main walkway or the French doors leading to the patio. Since the room layout would consist of 4 matching chairs, a square or round table works better for the conversation grouping.

This great zinc top table was the perfect piece for the room. I love the base and thenail head detail on the edges.
Next, we needed to anchor the wall opposite the fireplace and somewhat match the scale of the fireplace wall, so I chose a long credenza with some additional storage. The wire mesh door fronts add that casual feel, yet it is still elegant. This wall was also where I decided to incorporate a family gallery wall. My client really wanted to display a lot of her kids pictures, and this was a great way to do it.
I laid out the arrangement on the floor, before transferring them to the wall. This ensures a more organized random look.

I decided to keep all the frames white, but various shapes and sizes to add interest.
Next, I added some large scale accent pieces in the three large niches high up on the wall

The wooden pieces in the two main niches are one of kind petrified wood, and in the other niche is a white parasol wooden piece. I did not want the third niche to match the other two, because it was not really a part of the main conversation area of the room.
The abstract art above the fireplace was chosen for the color and the large scale

Next, I set out to style the rest of the room……..the fun part 🙂
Fun pillows, lots of books, small accessories and of course orchids help to finish off the room nicely. I tries to use some of the accessories my client already owned, but several more were brought in to complete the look. It is amazing how many accessories it takes to style one single room

Here are some additional shots of the room.

Some close ups to see the details…………

So that’s it for this living room that is really the adult hangout in this home. You will notice there isn’t a TV in the room, which is just what my clients wanted.
Thanks for taking the room tour of this cozy living room
If you are in need of an adult get-away like this in your home, feel free to reach out to me

Wishing You beauty and Inspiration!
